Commercial-Industrial Realty Council of Delaware (CIRC) Hosts May Luncheon
On Wednesday, May 8, 2019 members of CIRC and their guests gathered at the Dupont Country Club for their luncheon meeting. Once again, it was a sold out crowd. In addition to two very interesting presentations, Continuing Education Classes were held before and after the meeting. Renata Kowalczyk, Managing Director, Wilmington Renaissance Corporation (WRC), discussed the WRC, their NewMarketWilm campaign (including retail recruitment efforts), and creative placemaking and creation of open green spaces in Wilmington. As a member of the Board of Directors of Rodney Square Conservancy, Renata introduced our Keynote Speaker, Bill Lenihan, President,Tevebaugh Architecture, to present the details of the Rodney Square Renovation project. The goal is to beautify and make Rodney Square more user friendly. The group welcomed New Members who attended the May luncheon. Photo (left to right) Fabrice Dubecq, Comcast; Theron Palmer, ELM Properties; J. Chad Cobb, M&T Bank; Beverly Thomes, IIDA, Contract Environments; Mark Doughty, BHI Insurance; Andrew Coler, PNC Real...