Commercial-Industrial Realty Council Hosts Holiday Luncheon
It was a festive day as members of the Commercial-Industrial Realty Council of Delaware (CIRC/Delaware) and their guests gathered on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at the Whist Club in Wilmington for their annual holiday luncheon. Board of Directors Membership has continued to grow under the leadership of Jim Manna, CIRC/Delaware Membership Chairman and his team. New Members Once again, members stocked the pantry at the Food Bank of Delaware with their generous donations of non-perishable items. Raffle tickets were sold with all proceeds going to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware. We support their efforts to prepare the future workforce of Delaware. Sonitrol Security of Delaware Valley is proud to serve as Photo Sponsor for CIRC/Delaware. A special thank you to Anthony Santoro, Diamond State Photography for his skills and support. Here is a gallery of photos from the event. [nggallery ID=6] See you next year! Our January luncheon will be on Wednesday, January 10 at the Clarion...