Why Are Alarms So Important?
Statistics show that significantly more break-ins happen during the last 2 weeks of the year, specifically the weeks leading up to Christmas and New Year's, than any other time of the year. These two weeks provide some of the first really cold weather of the season and create empty streets with plentiful stock available in stores. Jewelry and other easily cashed valuables are in abundance and highly targeted. That means there's more opportunity for burglars during the last two weeks of the year than at any other time. Valuables and Opportunities Lead to Thievery It's that simple. Whenever you have a situation where retail businesses have an abnormally high amount of stock, such as during the holidays when running out of stock on a critical item can endanger an entire business, thieves will try to take advantage. Daytime theft tends to be pilferage and shoplifting. Thieves during the daytime steal items of...