Important Fire Prevention Tips for Your Business
Starting a business is no easy feat. Huge investments and sacrifices are factored in to ensure that your business is a complete success. A simple mistake could lead to the downfall of your entire business. The downfall of the majority of businesses is caused by fire. Despite the 24-second response by the fire department in the United States, it is important to take preventative measures that will protect your business from fire. Below are some tips that you could use to protect and prevent the downfall of your business because of a fire breakout.
Installation of Smoke and Heat Detectors
Smoke and heat detection devices are your best bet when it comes to fire prevention in your business. The devices prompt an alert that gives you adequate time to evacuate the business premises and notify the fire department. These complex devices are usually placed in different parts of your business, usually in zones that are most susceptible to fire. The smoke and heat detection devices are automatically triggered by the temperature rise in your business premises. The smoke and heat detection devices also come with a manual switch that you can turn on yourself. Smoke and heat detection devices in your premises should be inspected and maintained regularly to ensure that they are operating at an optimum level.
Overhead sprinklers go hand in hand with smoke and heat detection devices. The overhead sprinklers put out the fire immediately, while the smoke and heat detection devices trigger the alarm by sprinkling water on the furnace.
Effective Company Policies
Fire prevention heavily relies on what policies you have on business premises. Your employees should conduct themselves well. You can affect proper behavior amongst your employees by having them ensure that computers and electrical equipment have enough breathing room to prevent the buildup of heat. Electrical equipment should not be bent or crushed under furniture. It is also essential to turn off your electronics when you are not using of them.
Designated Smoking Areas
You can get to enjoy your smoke regularly without compromising the safety of others. However, it is important to do it in designated areas. Designated smoking areas are safe and cannot cause any fire breakouts in your business. These designated smoking areas should not be located close to storage units, especially if chemicals are present. Chemicals are highly flammable, such that businesses should ban the smoking of cigarettes as a safety precaution.
To get started installing smoke and heat detection devices at your business, reach out to Sonitrole today. Their experts will be glad to assist you in securing the safety of your business, employees, and clients.