What’s The Difference Between a Sonitrol Security Verified Alarm and All the Others?
The easiest way for me to highlight the difference between a Sonitrol Security Verified Alarm system and one of the hundreds of conventional burglar alarm systems out there is to walk you through a typical scenario around what happens when an alarm goes off in your business. Let's say you have a conventional alarm installed for your business. It's nothing special but you think you have a system that can adequately protect your business. This is what most likely happens. It's 2:00 am on Friday night and couple of burglars break into your business. It wasn't difficult for them to get in using just a crowbar at the door, or a rock through the window. It's worth noting here that our professional thieves (who represent just 4% of the criminal community - commit 80% of crimes) have successfully done this before and they know they will easily got away with it. Vandals and idiots also do this...