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    Since 1964, Sonitrol Security has been the trusted name for providing home and business security systems in North America, with a combination of human know-how and the latest technology. Our system is so sophisticated that we often catch criminals before they gain entry to our customers' facilities.
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    Sonitrol Verified Electronic Security / Sonitrol News  / How Access Control Systems Help You Take Control of Your Business’s Security

    How Access Control Systems Help You Take Control of Your Business’s Security

    In a perfect world, we would never have to worry about break-ins or robberies. Unfortunately, that isn’t the world that we live in. The Federal Bureau of Investigation reports that there are roughly 2.5 million burglaries in the U.S. every year, and in 2016 almost 9% of small businesses were the victim of a break-in and burglary. If you are a business owner, these statistics can be a scary reality. However, with a commercial security system, you can help protect your business and scare away would-be thieves.

    In a study conducted with convicted burglars, 83% explained that they would try to determine if alarm systems were present before attempting a break-in. This means that just having an alarm system in place can help deter ill-intentioned visitors and keep you safer even if it’s never triggered.

    In addition to an alarm system, access control systems can also help keep both your business and employees safer, and it is one extra step that should always be included with your commercial security system. If you want to learn more about how an access control system can benefit you, here is what you need to know.

    Taking Charge of Your Security

    Adding an access control element to your commercial security system can increase the effectiveness of your overall security. Because these systems usually involve the use of individual key cards, PINs, video surveillance, or biometric scanning, managers can easily see who accessed what door and at what time. This can help resolve issues involving data breaches or disputes by allowing you to see who was where at any given time. For instance, if an internal theft occurred from a specific location, you can see which employee had accessed the area during the time of the theft. This can help deter internal theft, while also making it more difficult for outside elements to break-in.

    Safer for Employees

    Another benefit that access control measures can provide is improved safety for employees. Not only can it help clear an employee of wrongdoing in the event of internal theft, but it can make entering and exiting the building safer, especially at night and in the early morning hours. Instead of fumbling with a key and lock, causing the employee to lose focus on what’s going on around them, they can easily scan their keycard to open the door. This helps protect employees who might otherwise be at risk while trying to open the door.

    Preventing Fraud

    Similarly, because you can see who opened a door and when this can also help you monitor when employees enter the building. This can help cut down on potential payroll fraud or help fill in numbers from a missed punch. For instance, if another employee is punching in for a late employee, this discrepancy can be caught, as you’ll be able to see when the late party actually arrived. Similarly, if an employee forgets to punch in, you can extrapolate their hours based on when they entered and exited that day.

    If your business currently doesn’t have access control measures integrated into your commercial security system, now is the time to seriously consider upgrading. Not only can it help keep your business and employees safe, but it can give you more control over who is entering your business and when. For more information and to get started on setting up your own system, contact Sonitrol Verified Electronic Security today and take back control of your business’s security.