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    Since 1964, Sonitrol Security has been the trusted name for providing home and business security systems in North America, with a combination of human know-how and the latest technology. Our system is so sophisticated that we often catch criminals before they gain entry to our customers' facilities.
    Delaware (302) 652-3060
    Outside Delaware (877) 652-3060
    Our Address 802 First State Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19804
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    Sonitrol Verified Electronic Security / Sonitrol News  / Passive vs. Active Security for Your Business
    verified alarm system

    Passive vs. Active Security for Your Business

    Passive and active security measures are crucial in protecting your business and valuables. However, it’s essential to understand the difference to determine which is appropriate for your business. Some companies will be fine with passive security measures because of the low risk. Others will require active security guards to ensure the building is secure. This article will help you decide which security measure is best for your business.

    Passive Security

    Passive security measures usually don’t involve active security guards on the property. Instead, they consist of security cameras in key locations. Retail stores may have a verified alarm system designed to go off if a person tries to steal something, and it can also alert you if someone tries to break in after hours. Many alarm systems are designed to contact the police to ensure everything is safe immediately.

    Active Security

    Active security refers to having physical security guards on duty, such as at a bank or jewelry store. Active measures may use different methods to layer security. For example, a business may have a verified alarm system and active security guards available to assist. However, some companies or locations only rely on active security measures. These include patrol dogs and security guards that guard every inch of the perimeter to ensure no one breaks in or steals anything.

    Combination Security

    Combination security measures remain popular because they are highly effective. However, there are several versions of this. You may have a verified alarm system in addition to security employees. Many businesses invest heavily in security guards to monitor cameras and walk the grounds. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 80,000 employees are in the fire alarm and security industry. These employees assist in various ways to help provide comprehensive security to businesses, including after-hours services.

    We specialize in security solutions to keep your business safe. You can trust us to help you with a verified alarm system that captures visual and auditory information. What’s more, we’re partnered with local authorities, so you can feel confident knowing your commercial property is safe and secure. All of our professionals are highly trained, so you can trust them to monitor your business carefully. Contact us today to learn more about our impressive security products or for more information about our verified alarm systems. We’re available to answer any questions you may have.