How Can Alarms Deter Theft?
Any business owner who cares for the security of their property will install some anti-burglary system. Crime is rampant enough that the investment only makes common sense. However, do such alarms deter theft? To answer that question, we should examine what anti-burglary systems are available and how security camera solutions can help you.
Types of Anti-Burglary Systems
The classic burglary alarm will set off a loud, piercing noise if an unauthorized person breaks open a door or window to gain entry to a business. At the same time, the burglar alarm company would be alerted that a burglary is in process and would duly summon the police to the location. Some anti-burglary systems include motion detectors for certain rooms where valuables are located. This feature will enable law enforcement to find the burglar should he or she be foolish enough to remain at the crime scene once the alarm has been tripped.
Security Camera Solutions
Many anti-burglary systems include security camera solutions. Security cameras have become so miniaturized that they can be installed indoors and in hidden parts of the business. They will record the burglar as he or she is attempting to gain entrance and, if successful, rummaging through the house looking for valuables. If you are on the business property, you’ll be able to see and record the burglar in real time as the police are on their way.
Deter Burglars
According to the Electronic Security Association, 50% of burglars, if they detect the presence of an anti-burglary system, will abort the burglary even if the plan to break into a business was on impulse. It’s not hard to understand why. Most burglars are amateurs, usually turning to crime to finance a drug addiction. They break into homes and businesses, looking for something to steal quickly and then get out. Their targets include efficiently transporting electronics, jewelry, and cash. They need more sophistication to disconnect an anti-burglary system. They are not interested in getting caught by the police while conducting their breaking and entering operations. They are indeed terrified of being identified if the business is equipped with one of those security camera solutions. So, they’ll stop and move on to another target that does not have an anti-burglary system.
So, the investment in an anti-burglary system, especially with a security camera, is well worth the expense. Give Sonitrol a call today to see how we can help you better protect your business.