Since 1964, Sonitrol Security Systems Delaware has been the trusted name for providing home and business security systems in North America.
Delaware (302) 652-3060
Outside Delaware (877) 652-3060
Our Address 802 First State Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19804

    Since 1964, Sonitrol Security has been the trusted name for providing home and business security systems in North America, with a combination of human know-how and the latest technology. Our system is so sophisticated that we often catch criminals before they gain entry to our customers' facilities.
    Delaware (302) 652-3060
    Outside Delaware (877) 652-3060
    Our Address 802 First State Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19804
    NJ Address 60 West Mill St, Pedricktown, NJ 08067

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    Author: RyanAlexander

    Sonitrol Verified Electronic Security / Articles posted by RyanAlexander (Page 6)

    How to Avoid Copper Theft

    If you have any amount of copper in your construction site, compound or warehouse, you're vulnerable to copper theft. Copper theft is a growing problem in North America, the cost is estimated to be in the many millions. Criminals are turning to stealing any bit of copper they can get their hands on - tearing out pipes and plumbing from walls, taking apart air conditioners, destroying street lamps, breaking into construction sites and more. Vacant or unnocupied factilities and warehouses are particularly vulnerable to copper theft and the extreme damage repair costs associated with it. Therefore, it’s important to be proactive in protecting your valuable assets from theft, especially when it comes to copper. What is the impact of copper theft? Copper theft has a number of monetary and even safety repercussions. • 9-1-1- service disruptions. • Threats to infrastructure and public safety (hospitals, emergency response systems). • Power outages – e.g. electricity, heating, street and...

    Sonitrol Security Continues Investment and Growth Trend

    Sonitrol Security, the leader in verified electronic security, provides customers throughout the United States and Canada with customized, state-of-the-art security solutions for intrusion alarms, access control, video surveillance and fire detection. Continuing to build upon 52 years of innovation and service, Sonitrol Security is proud to announce further investment and growth as a leader in the security industry. Sonitrol Security of Delaware Valley is the local franchise with an office in First State Industrial Park in Stanton, Delaware. New brand image, expanded franchise territories, and climbing the charts of the SDM 100 (Security Dealer Magazine) rankings are key components of the growth strategy. In April 2016, Sonitrol Security launched its new brand image to the market, updating their logo, website, literature and sales tools. “With a growing network of franchises and the necessity to leverage new marketing and sales methods, such as social media and mobile devices, we had an...

    Sonitrol Security of Delaware Valley Expands Team

    We are pleased to announce that Bob Arthur and Robert Reid have joined the Sonitrol Security of Delaware Valley team. Bob Joined the Sonitrol Security team in January of 2016. He is currently doing site visits as a Customer Service Associate and will transition into the sales department midsummer and handle the Western half of Philadelphia. He is currently visiting all of our accounts to insure that the emergency contact list is accurate, update decals and access control information. Bob graduated from Cherokee High School in Marlton, NJ where he played Basketball and Golf and then The University of Delaware, a member of the golf team. He will be a major asset to the sales force and golf team at Sonitrol Security of Delaware Valley. Robert Reid joined the Sonitrol Security team in May 2016. As a proud Delaware native, Robert is well known for his contributions to the local community as a...

    Making the Case for Video Surveillance Cameras in Schools

    Why install security cameras in schools? Some people say that the use of video surveillance cameras in educational settings is disruptive, invasive, or just plain unnecessary. But the better question to ask might be: Why not video cameras? When it comes to our children, nothing is more important than their safety. If you're still on the fence about choosing a security system or how surveillance video can help our schools, consider these benefits: Affordability. Security camera solutions are one of the most affordable ways for schools to drastically increase their safety measures. It's said that for businesses and residences, the use of video surveillance cameras can prevent up to 67% of burglaries. People think twice about their actions if they know they're being watched or filmed. Cameras might help cut down on bullying or truancy, not to mention the all-too-common dangers of weapons in school buildings. Peace of Mind. It's not just the...

    What to Consider for Reliable and Effective Security for Your Business

    Somehow, it's not surprising that there are more burglaries in the last two weeks of the calendar year -- the time between Christmas and New Year's -- than any other. That's when our stockings are hung and full of goodies, our stores are stocked with all of the latest gadgets, and our schools are closed for holiday. Unfortunately, it's a ripe environment for crime. But that doesn't mean that you should let your security slip over the summer. Many of the risks for businesses are the same, no matter the season. Summer is also a high time for shopping, and the summer recess for many schools, colleges, and companies means idle hands for the devil's workshop. Retailers suffer $44 million in inventory shrink around the country every year. And yet, it's possible that up to 67% of all burglaries could be prevented by the simple installation of reliable and effective security measures,...

    CIRC/Delaware Welcomes City of Wilmington Economic Development Director

    On Wednesday, May 11, 2016, Jeffrey Flynn, Director, Economic Development Office, City of Wilmington provided an update to members of the Commercial-Industrial Realty Council of Delaware (CIRC/Delaware) and their guests at the Clarion Belle Hotel in New Castle, Delaware. [caption id="attachment_4063" align="alignright" width="300"] Barry Snyder, Esq and Jeffrey Flynn.[/caption]               Mr. Flynn discussed the goals and objectives of the Office of Economic Development. He emphasized the importance of the public and private sector working together. Another highlight of the program was the Welcome to New Members.             Here is a gallery of photos from the May 2016 CIRC/Delaware Luncheon [nggallery ID=45] The CIRC/Delaware Annual Golf Outing will be held on Monday, June 27, 2016 at Hartefeld National Golf Course. Click here for more details:                ...

    Sonitrol Security of Delaware Valley Named to SD&I Magazine Fast50

    Now in its fifth year, Security Dealer & Integrator (SD&I) magazine’s Fast50 program is the premier market research, best practices and ranking program for security dealers and integrators in the security industry. Sonitrol Security of Delaware Valley has been ranked 45 out of the top Fast50 security companies.     According to Joe Allen, Vice-President/Owner, Sonitrol Security of Delaware Valley, “We are once again honored to be included in the SD&I Fast50 list. Our goal is to make sure our valued customers receive the security and peace of mind they deserve every single day.” Security services providers tend to be like the proverbial lumberjack balancing on a floating log. As the environment changes and evolves, and footing becomes even slicker and more unforgiving, those companies that embrace changing trends and technologies and overcome the challenges that stand in their way are the ones that will not fall — eventually rising to the upper echelon. The 2016...

    Human Error is Your Security System’s Biggest Weakness

    Many people who have never worked with commercial security products before are often surprised to find out how many options there are to choose from. There's internal security, external security, access control systems, fire protection, CCTV camera solutions, and more. Some businesses will only require one of these systems for protection while others will opt for an all of the above approach. Yet no matter what kind of commercial security systems you ultimately choose, there's still one dangerous flaw in your system: human error. Every year, police will respond to 38 million alarm activations, but 94 to 98% will be false alarms. These false alarms require a minimum of 20 minutes and two police officers while also wasting company time and resources. Then there are the flaws created not so much by human error but by human mischief. PIN codes used for access control can be forgotten or shared, while it's...

    What’s the Best Form of Access Control for Businesses?

    Most people think of business security systems as a way to protect against external threats. That's why most of the commercial security systems Philadelphia business owners install are focused on preventing burglaries or shoplifting. But when you've spent years installing the commercial security systems Philadelphia residents rely on for protection, you learn that some of the biggest threats to an organization come from the inside. While a business security camera system and the best intrusion detection system can help alert you to unwelcome visitors, it's just as important to protect yourself from unscrupulous employees. For instance, while 38% of inventory shrink is caused by shoplifting, another 34.5% is caused by employee theft. Not only that but in certain environments, employees can wander into unsafe areas, putting themselves at risk and exposing your company to enormous liability. For all these reasons and more, the best commercial security systems Philadelphia has ever seen increasingly...

    Why You Should Use Verified Audio Intrusion Detection

    Are you using conventional security alarms for your business? You may be putting your business and your livelihood at risk. Using non-verified security alarms makes you rely on easily compromised technology - such as motion sensors and door contacts. These older, less effective systems have a remarkable 98-percent false alarm rate. A proven solution to increase the effectiveness of your security system is to add Verified Audio detection. Why is Audio Detection superior to the motion sensors of conventional alarm systems? Motion sensors simply detect when there is motion. It is impossible to properly verify - it could be anything from a mouse or other animal, to a plant or fluctuation in heat. Or, it could be a thief. Unfortunately, nothing can be done but to simply guess, and many police departments no longer respond to unverified alarm systems. Verified Audio on the other hand is monitored. Staff can hear exactly what’s going...