Since 1964, Sonitrol Security Systems Delaware has been the trusted name for providing home and business security systems in North America.
Delaware (302) 652-3060
Outside Delaware (877) 652-3060
Our Address 802 First State Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19804

    Since 1964, Sonitrol Security has been the trusted name for providing home and business security systems in North America, with a combination of human know-how and the latest technology. Our system is so sophisticated that we often catch criminals before they gain entry to our customers' facilities.
    Delaware (302) 652-3060
    Outside Delaware (877) 652-3060
    Our Address 802 First State Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19804
    NJ Address 60 West Mill St, Pedricktown, NJ 08067

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    Author: RyanAlexander

    Sonitrol Verified Electronic Security / Articles posted by RyanAlexander

    How to Improve On-Site Security if You’re a Small Business Owner

    In an almost purely technological age, physical security measures can sometimes take a backseat to cyber security. But that doesn't mean physical security should just be ignored. Rather, it should be perfected so you, as a small business owner, don't need to worry about it constantly. If your cyber security is tight and you're looking for ways to keep your physical location more secure, you've come to the right place. Here are a few strategies you can employ for more reliable and effective security at your physical location. Limit Access to Sensitive Equipment When you're shopping for a computer or a phone, the stores don't typically just have all of their equipment out for you to play with. There's typically a display computer or phone that gives you a taste of the real product. Almost 38% of inventory shrink is the result of shoplifting, and by limiting access to sensitive equipment you can...

    4 Commonly Stolen Items for Security Systems Philadelphia Retailers to Protect

    Shoplifting is a notoriously difficult issue for any company to prevent. It’s simply impossible for someone to keep an eye on every person who enters a store. Worst of all, it has a serious impact. Shoplifting was responsible for about 38% of the $44 million of inventory shrink experienced by American retailers, while another 34.5% was lost to employee theft. What's even more amazing, though, is what gets stolen. Here are just a few of the most commonly shoplifted items: Meat: Many retailers are being left wondering, where’s the beef? Shockingly, meat has proven to be a favorite amongst shoplifters. The pieces stolen are most often the top-quality cuts, such as filet mignon or lamb chops. Razors: You’ve probably noticed the giant glass cases of razors when wandering through the store, or have at least seen the commercials complaining of how difficult it can be to actually purchase them. However, it would seem...

    3 Reasons Why Every School Needs a Security Camera System

    Schools cannot afford to take chances when it comes to the safety of their students and staff. Today's world can be a scary one, but there are things you can do to prevent crimes and tragedies from occurring. One of those safety measures you can take is to install security cameras in key locations on campus. These CCTV camera solutions will ensure that the most vulnerable areas of your school have high-quality video surveillance, which can help reduce criminal activity and keep out those who might want to do harm. Below, we'll take a look at three ways in which a CCTV camera solution can benefit your educational institution. Prevent Crimes It's estimated that 67% of burglaries can be avoided just by installing video surveillance. In a similar fashion, camera security systems at schools can prevent acts of vandalism, theft, trespassing, drug use, and other types of crimes from occurring on...