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    Since 1964, Sonitrol Security has been the trusted name for providing home and business security systems in North America, with a combination of human know-how and the latest technology. Our system is so sophisticated that we often catch criminals before they gain entry to our customers' facilities.
    Delaware (302) 652-3060
    Outside Delaware (877) 652-3060
    Our Address 802 First State Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19804
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    Sonitrol Verified Electronic Security / Sonitrol News  / How to Secure Your Office With Security Measures
    office security

    How to Secure Your Office With Security Measures

    Your office is packed with valuable items, from cash to electronic equipment. Learning how to secure your office is crucial to ensure you don’t have to deal with a break-in and you can prosecute the perpetrators if something happens. Here, we’ll cover everything you need to know about office security.

    Alarm Systems

    Alarm systems are often the first line of defense against security breaches. They are set to go off when someone breaks a window or the door opens after the alarm is set. Many can be set to go off when certain access points are opened, helping deter thieves. These systems typically contact the building’s owner to determine if it was an accident before contacting the police.

    Security Guards

    Alarm systems are crucial, but you may want to consider additional security measures if your office is located in a high-crime area. A typical alarm system has a built-in delay of 30 seconds to three minutes before contacting your monitoring company, according to the Electronic Security Association. Experienced criminals can make off with plenty of things in a few minutes. In high-crime areas, consider having a security guard patrol the area during hours the business is closed.

    Access Cards

    Burglars often scope out an establishment before making their move. You can help eliminate this possibility by ensuring that only authorized personnel can access the building. Invest in key cards that lock and unlock the door. This can instantly make it more difficult for a thief to break in. People won’t be tempted to break into a building if they don’t know what’s inside. Key card locks are more challenging than standard lock and key mechanisms, which burglars could potentially pick.

    Access Controls

    Protecting your physical assets is crucial, but remember to protect important data, too. Data breaches can cost your company millions and result in current customers losing trust, making access controls an important part of office security. These control who can access sensitive data, such as customer information or trade secrets. Limiting the number of people who can view data instantly helps keep it more secure. These access controls are also more complicated to hack than basic security measures.

    We specialize in office security to help keep everything you own secure. Our video surveillance systems protect your physical goods, while our access controls will help protect critical data. Contact us today at Sonitrol to learn more.